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Kerala man infected with Murine Typhus: All you nee to know

14/10/2024 | B MANOGNA REDDY

Kerala man infected with Murine Typhus: All you nee to know

A 75-year-old Kerala man was diagnosed with rare bacterial disease Murine Typhus on October 11 after traveling to Vietnam and Cambodia. Despite inconclusive test results for rat-induced and flea-borne diseases, his liver and kidney functions deteriorated.

Considering his travel history, the doctors suspected Murine Typhus, making it the first diagnosed case in the area. The Kerala patient was diagnosed using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, which identifies microbial DNA. Additional tests confirmed the diagnosis at CMC Vellore.

Murine Typhus:

Murine typhus (also known as endemic typhus) is a disease caused by the bacteria Rickettsia typhi. Murine typhus is spread to people through contact with infected fleas, most commonly the Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopsis) and the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Although murine typhus is found worldwide, it is more common in warm, coastal regions and areas where people come into close contact with rodents.


Fleas become infected with Rickettsia typhi by biting infected rodents (rats, mice, or other small mammals). Humans can become infected when bitten by these fleas or when flea feces are scratched into the skin.


Diagnosis is often based on clinical symptoms and patient history (such as flea exposure or rodent contact), but laboratory tests (like serologic tests) are used to confirm the infection.


To reduce the risk of murine typhus, preventive measures include:

  • Controlling rodent populations in homes and surrounding areas.
  • Avoiding contact with fleas by using flea control products for pets and insect repellents when needed.
  • Maintaining hygiene and properly storing food to avoid attracting rodents.

Murine typhus is relatively rare in developed countries but can still occur in places where rodent populations thrive and flea control is not well-maintained.

Last modified on: 14/10/2024


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